For me vacations are a grand moment in the year, and are most even, when I can to travel to other country. I love travel, I love to share with other culture, with other people, I love know other places, new places.
I had the chance going
to other countrys, going to other places of world, I had chance share with people de other countrys and I do better friends.

I had chance going to Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, etc.. always in American, I love my continent, I love the people and their custom. When I travel, always I try share with the people place, know their way of life and their custom.
But, for me that I'm student, travels are don't nothing easy. Always I have that work for to collect money and this I do at beginning of the years, in march month. Saving money for the trip, involve much sacrifice, I have to saving in everything, in the lunch, in the clothes, in the bus, etc... In general I don't spend in nothing. But the sacrifice be worth, a travel always is an experience, always we gain experience, we learn of the life with other people.